Results for 'James F. Fieser'

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  1.  91
    The Logic of Natural Law in Aquinas’s “Treatise on Law”.James F. Fieser - 1992 - Journal of Philosophical Research 17:155-172.
    Against recent commentators such as Annstrong, D’Arcy, Copleston, O’Connor, Bourke, and Grisez, I argue that the logic referred to by Thomas in his “Treatise on Law” should not be understood metaphorically. Instead, it involves a chain of syllogisms, beginning with the synderesis principle, followed by primary, secondary, and tertiary principles, and ends with a practical syllogism. In showing this, I attack the view that the synderesis principle, “good ought to be done and evil avoided,” is tautological. Second, I show the (...)
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  2. Making things happen: a theory of causal explanation.James F. Woodward - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Woodward's long awaited book is an attempt to construct a comprehensive account of causation explanation that applies to a wide variety of causal and explanatory claims in different areas of science and everyday life. The book engages some of the relevant literature from other disciplines, as Woodward weaves together examples, counterexamples, criticisms, defenses, objections, and replies into a convincing defense of the core of his theory, which is that we can analyze causation by appeal to the notion of manipulation.
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    Analyzing intention in utterances.James F. Allen & C. Raymond Perrault - 1980 - Artificial Intelligence 15 (3):143-178.
  4.  40
    Philosophy as Therapy: An Interpretation and Defense of Wittgenstein's Later Philosophical Project.James F. Peterman - 1992 - State University of New York Press.
    Argues that Wittgenstein's early ethical notion of agreement with the world pivoted to become his later therapeutic notion of agreement with living forms, which satisfies the conditions necessary for a full therapeutic philosophy.
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    Universe Indexed Properties and the Fate of the Ontological Argument: JAMES F. SENNETT.James F. Sennett - 1991 - Religious Studies 27 (1):65-79.
    If the contemporary rebirth of the ontological argument had its conception in Norman Malcolm's discovery of a second Anselmian argument it had its full-term delivery as a healthy philosophical progeny with Alvin Plantinga's sophisticated modal version presented in the tenth chapter of The Nature of Necessity. This latter argument has been the centre of a huge body of literature over the last fifteen years, and deservedly so. One is impressed that this version of Anselm's jewel is valid and sound if (...)
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  6.  37
    The Many Faces of Competency.James F. Drane - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 15 (2):17-21.
  7. The Place of Autonomy in Bioethics.James F. Childress - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (1):12-17.
  8. Appeals to conscience.James F. Childress - 1979 - Ethics 89 (4):315-335.
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  9. Cause and explanation in psychiatry : an interventionist perspective.James F. Woodward - 2008 - In Kenneth S. Kendler & Josef Parnas, Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry: Explanation, Phenomenology, and Nosology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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  10.  65
    Prophylactics, Toleration, and Cooperation.James F. Keenan - 1989 - International Philosophical Quarterly 29 (2):205-220.
  11.  83
    St. Patrick and the Patrick Legend.James F. Kenney - 1933 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 8 (1):5-34.
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    Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Hume on Religion.James F. Sennett - 2004 - Philosophia Christi 6 (1):139-144.
  13.  26
    Theologian, Teacher, and Friend: Tributes to James M. Gustafson.James F. Childress, Lisa Sowle Cahill, Douglas F. Ottati, William Schweiker & Theo A. Boer - 2022 - Journal of Religious Ethics 50 (1):7-19.
    Journal of Religious Ethics, Volume 50, Issue 1, Page 7-19, March 2022.
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    Educational Judgments (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 9): Papers in the Philosophy of Education.F. Doyle James (ed.) - 1973 - Routledge.
    The topics covered in this volume, originally published in 1973, include the need for a more adequate concept or definition of education, the issue of whether indoctrination is compatible with education, particularly with moral education, and the processes of judging the merits of different approaches to aesthetic education. Two contributors present complementary analyses of the relations between freedom as a characteristic of institutions and the process of learning to be a free man. There is discussion of the neglected subject of (...)
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  15.  35
    Some Disputed Questions on Our Knowledge of Being.James F. Anderson - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (4):550 - 568.
    The latter quality can be cultivated by the metaphysician through considering the intimate link between signification and being. The impossibility of separating the two is highlighted by the fact that even "non-being" is significant as a sign of the simple negative judgment, x is not. For this sign assuredly is. And a "square circle," mathematically and physically nonexistent, has the "being" of an incompatible conjunction of signs severally significant.
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  16. Problem: Language as Symbolic Function.James F. Somerville - 1960 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 34:139.
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    The barn dance: somewhere between heaven and earth, there is a place where the magic never ends.James F. Twyman - 2010 - Carlsbad, Calif.: Hay House.
    Once you pick up this amazing book, you won’t want to put it down, and your life will never be the same.
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  18.  7
    Cooperation and “Hard Cases”.James F. Keenan - 1998 - Ethics and Medics 23 (9):3-3.
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    University Ethics: Why Colleges Need a Culture of Ethics.James F. Keenan - 2015 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    From sex abuse scandals to the treatment of adjunct professors, universities are mired in thorny ethical questions. In this book, Keenan exposes the problems that arise from the lack of professional ethics in the college environment, then proposes concrete solutions for issues ranging from athletics and adjuncts to tuition and salaries.
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  20.  52
    The Creative Interaction between Portuguese and Leonese Municipal Military Law, 1055 to 1279.James F. Powers - 1987 - Speculum 62 (1):53-80.
    The medieval kingdoms of Portugal and León faced a common Muslim enemy on their southern frontiers. They also viewed each other as potential threats, along a boundary which grew in length as the Muslims were pushed back. Military preparedness was in these circumstances a major preoccupation of the monarchs in the two kingdoms. Offensive forces were needed for continued territorial expansion, and defensive forces were needed to protect lands that had already been gained, whether from Muslim counterattack or from inroads (...)
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  21.  6
    Goodness and Rightness in Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae.S. J. James F. Keenan - 1992 - Georgetown University Press.
    This appraisal of two of the most fundamental terms in the moral language of Thomas Aquinas draws on the contemporary moral distinction between the goodness of a person and the rightness of a person's living. Keenan thus finds that Aquinas's earlier writings do not permit the possibility of such a distinction. But in his mature works, specifically the Summa Theologiae, Thomas describes the human act of moral intentionality, and even the virtues in a way analogous to our use of the (...)
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  22. On proof in metaphysics.James F. Anderson - 1965 - In Edward Dwyer Simmons, Essays on knowledge and methodology. Milwaukee,: K. Cook Co.. pp. 99.
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  23. The Notion of Certitude.James F. Anderson - 1955 - The Thomist 18:522-39.
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  24.  41
    Needed: A More Rigorous Analysis of Models of Decision Making and a Richer Account of Respect for Autonomy.James F. Childress - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (11):52-54.
    I, for one, am grateful to Peter Ubel, Karen Scherr, and Angela Fagerlin (2017) for their important and illuminating reflections on medical decision making, particularly in the context of preferenc...
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  25.  60
    David Hume: Many-sided Genius.James F. Zartman - 1977 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 38 (2):275-276.
  26.  20
    Some Reflections on Professor Rescher’s Paper.James F. Day - 1983 - Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy 5:16-22.
  27.  66
    Does ‘x is possible’ ever yield ‘x exists?James F. Ross - 1962 - Theoria 28 (2):173-195.
  28.  3
    Inquiries Into Medieval Philosophy: A Collection in Honor of Francis P. Clarke.James F. Ross & Francis Palmer Clarke - 1971 - Praeger.
    This anthology contains essays by a distinguished group of British and American scholars prominent in the field of medieval philosophy. Setting high standards of clarity and exactness, the papers reflect current analytic, formalistic, and traditional methods of philosophy applied to topics such as logic, linguistics, and the philosophy of the mind.
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  29.  14
    Introduction to the philosophy of religion.James F. Ross - 1969 - [New York]: Macmillan.
  30. Piety and Public Action: A Retrieval of Resources.James F. Ryan - 1996 - Dissertation, The Union Institute
    Piety is a social virtue. This study argues that piety as devoted action must include dialogue. Piety is an intersubjective act that attends to divine and human realities. This Project Demonstrating Excellence establishes piety as the virtue that requires wider dialogue not strict application of dogma. ;Each chapter is preceded by a Case Study of either a literary or a personal figure that represents characteristics of the virtue of piety. The threads that run through each case study, and the two (...)
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  31. Data and phenomena: a restatement and defense.James F. Woodward - 2011 - Synthese 182 (1):165-179.
    This paper provides a restatement and defense of the data/ phenomena distinction introduced by Jim Bogen and me several decades ago (e.g., Bogen and Woodward, The Philosophical Review, 303–352, 1988). Additional motivation for the distinction is introduced, ideas surrounding the distinction are clarified, and an attempt is made to respond to several criticisms.
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  32.  23
    Secondary extensions, meanings and non-null terms.James F. Harris - 1973 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14 (3):316-322.
  33.  23
    Part-of-the-Meaning-of-a-Word.James F. Harris Jr - 1976 - American Philosophical Quarterly 13 (1):81 - 84.
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    The Great Commission Advertising Campaign Misuse of the Mass Media in World Evangelization.James F. Engel - 1992 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 9 (4):21-23.
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    The chronic disease data bank: First principles to future directions.James F. Fries - 1984 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 9 (2):161-180.
    Chronic diseases represent the major illness burden of developed nations. A chronic disease databank system consists of parallel longitudinal data sets from diverse locations describing the courses of thousands of patients with chronic illness over many years. Illustrated by ARAMIS (The American Rheumatism Association Medical Information System), such data resources facilitate analysis of long term health outcomes and the factors associated with particular outcomes. A model for clinical investigation of contemporary disease is presented, based on the overwhelming prevalence of chronic (...)
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  36.  42
    Is scholastic philosophy philosophical?James F. Anderson - 1949 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (2):251-259.
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  37.  34
    Language, Thought, and History.James F. Anderson - 1976 - New Scholasticism 50 (3):323-332.
  38.  60
    How Religious tradition Survives in the World of Science: John Polkinghorne and Norbert Samuelson.James F. Moore - 1997 - Zygon 32 (1):115-124.
    The Faith of a Physicist: Reflections of a Bottom‐Up Thinker John PolkinghornJudaism and the Doctrine of Creation Norbert Samuelson.
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    Interreligious dialogue as an evolutionary process.James F. Moore - 2005 - Zygon 40 (2):381-390.
  40.  51
    Journey of the Universe by Brian Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker.James F. Moore - 2011 - Zygon 46 (4):1005-1007.
  41. The Proletarian Moment: The Controversy over Leftism in Literature.James F. Murphy - 1993 - Science and Society 57 (2):214-222.
  42.  32
    A history of Catholic moral theology in the twentieth century: from confessing sins to liberating consciences.James F. Keenan - 2010 - New York: Continuum.
    Background -- The moral manualists -- Initiating reform : Odon Lottin -- Retrieving Scripture and charity : Fritz Tillman and Gérard Gilleman -- Synthesis : Bernard Häring -- The neo-manualists -- New foundations for moral reasoning, 1970-89 -- New foundations for a theological anthropology, 1980-2000 -- Toward a global discourse on suffering and solidarity -- Afterword: The encyclicals of Pope Benedict XVI.
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  43.  9
    Class Structure and Conflict in the Managerial Phase: II.James F. Becker - 1973 - Science and Society 37 (4):437 - 453.
  44.  19
    Film, the Medium and the Maker.James F. Scott - 1975 - Holt McDougal.
  45.  59
    Logic of discovery or psychology of invention?James F. Woodward - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (2):187-203.
    It is noted that Popper separates the creation of concepts, conjectures, hypotheses and theories—the context of invention—from the testing thereof—the context of justification—arguing that only the latter is susceptible of rigorous logical analysis. Efforts on the part of others to shift or eradicate the demarcation established by this distinction are discussed and the relationship of these considerations to the claims of “strong artificial intelligence” is pointed out. It is argued that the mode of education of scientists, as well as reports (...)
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  46.  6
    The possibility of God: a reconsideration of religion in a technological society.James F. Drane - 1976 - Totowa, N.J.: Littlefield, Adams.
  47.  29
    Case Narratives and Moral Perspectives: An Appreciative Response to Chambers.James F. Childress - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (1):57-59.
  48.  24
    No Title available: REVIEWS.James F. Ross - 1969 - Religious Studies 5 (2):261-266.
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  49.  50
    Real freedom.James F. Ross - manuscript
    To avoid the deadends, I redeploy[52] the idea that integral human freedom (and understanding) has two modes. One is "natural" and the other "supernatural," though dividing the matter that way supposes the "natural" is the residue after the integrated whole is lost, because the supernatural[53] contains the natural "eminently" the way olympic winning routines envelop the qualifying skills.[54] In my account, humans were never "merely" objects in nature at all-- that is, objects, alongside stones and tigers and dinosaurs, that are (...)
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  50.  76
    (1 other version)Portraying analogy.James F. Ross (ed.) - 1981 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The attention of philosophers. linguists and literary theorists has been converging on the diverse and intriguing phenomena of analogy of meaning:the different though related meanings of the same word, running from simple equivocation to paronymy, metaphor and figurative language. So far, however, their attempts at explanation have been piecemeal and inconclusive and no new and comprehensive theory of analogy has emerged. This is what James Ross offers here. In the first full treatment of the subject since the fifteenth century, (...)
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